Want to Know a Secret by Freida McFadden


YouTube baking sensation April Masterson knows the secret to the perfect gooey brownies. Or how to make key lime squares that will melt in your mouth. But if you keep watching her offline, you may find out some other secrets about April.  Secrets she’d rather you didn’t know.

Like where did her son go when he snuck out of the house?  What was she doing with the local soccer coach behind fogged windows?

And what’s buried in her backyard?

Everyone has secrets. Some are worse than others.

April’s secrets are enough to destroy her. 

I’ll make sure of that.

Well, I don’t think I will be able to watch a online cooking video again without thinking about this book! This was one I did not rush into reading because I couldn’t possibly consider exactly how this plot would go down. First, I have never seen an episode of Desperate Housewives but I totally imagined a similarity (maybe actually like Real Housewives of NYC). If you have read any of my previous posts, you know I am a huge Freida fan, so there isn’t much I can say about this book that would be any different than my other posts. However, I am going to include a few thoughts below that may contain spoilers (well, not really spoilers but part of the book). If you plan on reading this book, stop reading now and go buy the book (really cheap on Amazon). Until next time…Happy Reading!

—————————————————————— SPOILERS BELOW SO STOP READING!————————————————–

  1. I am amazed how flippantly affairs were in this book (and in our culture in general). First, if you have not had “relations” with you husband in six months and that does not bother you, you have some serious problems! Second, you know he is having an affair. Third, and…that doesn’t bother you??? I felt that the women in this book just didn’t care their husbands were having an affair. He makes money. You stay at home. You spend. Nuff said. Sad, sad, sad…
  2. There were a few similarities I found between this book and another book, The Ex (cutting hair and murder part of nemesis lady). That doesn’t bother me, though, as it may some readers.
  3. I felt like all the women in this book were cringy. I mean, seriously, inflicting harm on someone (spreading rumors, false shoplifting charge, etc) doesn’t bother you? Just eek….