Adam Makos – my favorite nonfiction author

My all time favorite nonfiction book is A Higher Call by Adam Makos.  Since the publication of his first book, A Higher Call, he has published other amazing books.  I have used A Higher Call in my classroom to teach students that, during war, there are no good guys and bad guys (by the way, this is not in reference to terrorism…just getting that out there).  It changed my perspective how I teach war and those who fight on each side.  Several years ago, I had all my Government students read this book.  My primary goal was not necessarily having them read an incredible book but to consider the choices they make in difficult situations (character building).  They completed questions and then created a movie trailer (through iMovie).  Below is the best iMovie created by a student.  It truly gives you a glimpse into the book. (please excuse the version uploaded…I recorded with my phone so I would not include the student’s name until I get permission)

If you have not read any books by Adam Makos, I would strongly suggest you read A Higher Call and then his others.  You will not be disappointed!