Suicide Med by Freida McFadden

I thought about doing a synopsis; however, just google it. This post will include spoilers so do not read if you HAVE NOT read Suicide Med. I repeat…DO NOT REPEAT if you have not read the book and wanting to read the book.

So…if you have read my previous posts, you know I am a big Freida McFadden fan. However, I did not like this book. It was painful to read. It was the worse one yet. But… I will say this… this one was an earlier book which explains, in my opinion, just the strangeness of it all.

First, I really like her books due to the lack of raunchy sex scenes (books I do not mind sharing with my high schooler). I am reading a Gillian Flynn book now (will post later) and can’t believe how immature the writing can be with her randomly thrown in sex (her second book like this). I digress…this book is one I do not want my daughters to read. Seriously…you have medical school students who act as if they are in high school. She couldn’t describe any of the characters without saying something about sex.

Second, one of the characters has a rare condition called parasitic twin (when a conjoined twin does not fully develop). Y’all…I can’t even explain how absurd this story line is in the book (remember…spoilers). A guy seriously has an eyeball on his back side. An eyeball!!!!! One that blinks because there is brain matter attached to his spine. And then the doctors refuse to remove the eye and brain matter because of ethics behind the eye possibly feeling emotions. No. Just no! At first, I was angry reading this because it seems there was a tie-in to the abortion issue (going down a back alley to get a surgery because you can’t have surgery in a hospital). I don’t doubt this was thrown in to manipulate emotions with abortion. Also, I looked up information on this disorder. Nothing ever mentions a possibility of an organ (from conjoined twin that stopped developing) having “life.” At first, I was thinking through my beliefs and this situation. However, it seems to be clear that the non-developed twin has no life prior to being removed from the living child. This story line made me absolutely hate the book. Just so stupid!!!!

Third, there really isn’t any closure to the story plot. In the end, you have a hospital worker, who used to be in prison with another character who murdered the professor, that is poisoning the lady who poisoned the guy in prison (not even going to put names in this). My question is…how did the medical student who goes to prison know that his sex hook-up lady was poisoning him? The story line makes it seem he found out then told the now hospital worker (they were friends in prison) who is paying back the lady for what she did to him in medical school. Major gaps…

Fourth, there is no sorrow for what anyone did. They are selfish and competitive to the point that so many lives were ruined because of false perceptions. Everyone ASSUMES something and acts on the preconceived notions without being mature and talking through the issues.

I still love Freida’s books and so thankful she no longer writes like this. I will continue to read her books; however, do yourself a favor and just skip this one.

Happy Reading and Merry Christmas!!!!