Sold on a Monday and Bread/Butter Refrigerator Pickles

Sold on a Monday by Kristina McMorris and Bread/Butter Refrigerator Pickles


Right now, I am in the middle of reading for the AP Macroeconomics exam.  Of course, due to Covid, everything was transitioned to online (the test and the reading).  I thought I would not have any time reading; however, I realized that breaks are needed throughout the day to break up staring at the computer (much different than reading in person).  Yesterday, I decided to take Mattie to the pool which gave me the time I needed to finish this book.  First, though, the recipe… last night, I was searching Great Depression recipes (since this takes place during the Great Depression).  I came across the history of bread and butter pickles.  Supposedly, cucumbers were in abundance which made them easy to include in a sandwich between bread and butter.  They were later pickled to preserve during the winter months.  I chose this recipe because I literally just made some refrigerator bread and butter pickles from my garden’s cucumbers.  And since I do not have much time experimenting right now, pickles it is!  These are delicious pickles.  If you do not have enough cucumbers to can, go with this recipe. I chose to leave out the onions.


Now to the book… While Mattie was at gymnastics Monday, I decided to kill some time in Target.  I am not one to randomly buy new books but will every now and then.  This one looked good so bought it.  I have never heard of this writer but this was a great book!  What I also loved about this book is how she got the idea from a picture she had come across (and from what I have read, she does that with many of her books).  At the end of the book, she tells you how she included not only different bits of history in the story but more of the “real story” behind the picture.  She, also, discusses the one aspect that stood out to me while I read the book…the need for honest journalism.  This book is based on the unintended consequences that can happen when journalists are not fully honest in their reporting/writing.  I think we can all agree to that!!!  What I love about this story, though, is how this journalist realized his mistake and wanted to “right the wrong.”  Oh, I how wish we had that honesty and humbleness today!

I do not want to give away too much so here are two details:

Time and Picture

Great Depression

For more information: Kristina McMorris website

Book Trailer