National Boards – Organizational Worksheets

There are a few times in my life, probably like your’s as well, where you remember where you were when an event happened. For example, I remember, like it was yesterday, the minute by minute details when I learned about the planes hitting the Twin Towers. Or the day Hurricane Katrina hit. Another time, that many may not think about, is when I learned I passed National Boards. It was 2005. Scores were to be released at 8am. School started at 7:55am, so students would be sitting in my class when I would find out if I passed or not. I decided not to check my scores until last block – my planning. A friend of mine, who was National Board certified, told me I couldn’t wait until the end of the day. She and another good teacher friend encouraged me to check. They stood behind me while I refreshed the screen over and over again. The students had no clue what we were doing. Around 8am, after a refresh, I saw the words “Congratulations.” That was all I needed to see. My friends were screaming in excitement. I was crying like a baby. The students were wondering “what in the world!” I left to call my husband. I called his school and asked to have him pulled out of class. He thought something bad happened because I couldn’t stop crying. What made this even more meaningful was the fact I passed on my first try, when everyone told me only about 30% pass on the first try. Looking back, I have no clue how I did it. I had no mentor, no resource books, no blog posts to read. But I did it. And I renewed. And I renew AGAIN next year.

Earlier this year, I was contacted by someone to help mentor a National Board candidate. I really didn’t want to but I am supplemented so….yea. What turned into mentoring one has now turned into mentoring five. The process has changed tremendously since I originally completed the process. Therefore, to help me read through everything and to help my mentees organize their thoughts, I chose to create charts that broke down what they are supposed to do. Everything in these worksheets come directly from National Boards resources. I basically took what was in the reading/instructions and created charts. My philosophy is if there is something I created that can benefit someone else, share! So, here you go. Please use and share. I will upload more as I create them (as of Nov. 2022)


Component 3

Component 2


Component 3 (the image was taken from another source online)

Component 2