Two Book Reviews: The Room in the Attic and The Perfect Marriage

You would think with school starting I would be slow in my reading. Although my reading has not slowed up, my blogging has hence “two for the price of one” with this blog.

Review #1: The Room in the Attic… I liked this book! I came close to choosing it for book club but then thought maybe others wouldn’t think it was a “book club” book. I thought, though, it was really interesting how this book came together. It is really hard for me to even talk about the book without leaving spoilers, so you would have to read it to know what I am talking about. I felt this book had a little “gothic” flare to it then read the author, Louise Douglas, wrote gothic literature (some may say horror but that really depends). If you have read any of my previous blogs, I love gothic literature (the creepy house, a possible ghost…). I am going to have to get a friend to read this book just so we can talk about the ending. I’m glad I came across this book because I look forward to reading more of her books!

Review #2: The Perfect Marriage by Jeneva Rose… I liked this book and hated it at the same time. The only reason I kept reading it was to see if my theory was correct. First, the beginning of the book was more sexually graphic than I want to read. I came very close to stop reading it after the first few chapters. I chose to keep reading, thinking maybe those scenes would be no more since it is a murder mystery. I was somewhat correct. Anyway, be warned… Second, is there any need to use the “f***” word so many times? So be warned… Third, my theories were all over the place (as to who the killer was). However, my original theory was correct. Just sayin… Fourth, if you are wanting a book with a redemptive ending, please don’t read this book. Fifth, if you want a book that keeps you guessing, then read this book.

Sometimes I wonder why I write these reviews. I am pretty sure no one read them. I love sharing book ideas and probably could do that through Goodreads. However, who wants to read a list on Goodreads? Not I. So, grab a book and start reading!