The Watchers by A.M. Shine

I really do not even know how to start this review. My thoughts are all over the place. I guess I’ll start with the synopsis: (book link)

You can’t see them. But they can see you.
This forest isn’t charted on any map. Every car breaks down at its treeline. Mina’s is no different. Left stranded, she is forced into the dark woodland only to find a woman shouting, urging Mina to run to a concrete bunker. As the door slams behind her, the building is besieged by screams.

Mina finds herself in a room with a wall of glass, and an electric light that activates at nightfall, when the Watchers come above ground. These creatures emerge to observe their captive humans and terrible things happen to anyone who doesn’t reach the bunker in time.

Afraid and trapped among strangers, Mina is desperate for answers. Who are the Watchers and why are these creatures keeping them imprisoned, keen to watch their every move?

First, I love a good gothic read which is one reason I chose this book. This book is entitled “Gothic horror,” so if you love gothic but not horror, do not choose this book. Now, I would not say it was “I can’t sleep at night” horror. I have read some of those and this is not one of them. I am not sure if I would characterize as horror but more suspense/thriller. It sort of had a “Stranger Things” vibe.

Second, there were a few plot points that didn’t seem to connect. I know a few felt some plot issues (like the bird) were unrealistic. I find that hilarious, though, considering the entire book is based on mystical creatures and a forest where nothing works. Pretty sure a bird surviving a cold winter isn’t a primary issue with me.

Third, it took a while to get into this book. However, about half way into the book, I was able to finish fairly quickly which leads to the next point…

The ending… if I had known the ending would have been the way it was, I would have not read this book, especially since there is no Part 2 to the book. Some may love it, but I hated it (like “mad hate”). Let me just say this…if you like conclusions/resolutions, don’t read this book. There isn’t one. Sigh…

It is really hard to suggest this book or not. It was slow in the beginning then picked up then intrigued me then just ticked me off when the ending came. I guess the best bet for you is to read some good and bad reviews on Amazon then go check it out at the library. Until next time…