The Villa by Rachel Hawkins

I am in the airport patiently waiting for my delayed flight to board so will make this quick…

If you want a synopsis, find one online and read it. But I will say this… this book was very similar to The Heiress. You have unlikeable characters…I mean, just (to me) nasty individuals. You have a writing style that goes back and forth from story to newspaper articles to this and to that. It can get confusing.

Did I like this book? Not really. It was a quick read and kept me reading. However, since I had just read The Heiress, it was too similar with outline and people to make me like this book.

You may like it but there is no way I would want my child to read this book (sex…drugs…infidelity…murder). I like to support Southern (U.S.) writers but can’t make myself read another Hawkins book right now.

Time to fly. Happy Reading!