The Secret Book of Flora Lea by Patti Henry



In the war-torn London of 1939, fourteen-year-old Hazel and five-year-old Flora are evacuated to a rural village to escape the horrors of the Second World War. Living with the kind Bridie Aberdeen and her teenage son, Harry, in a charming stone cottage along the River Thames, Hazel fills their days with walks and games to distract her young sister, including one that she creates for her sister and her sister alone—a fairy tale about a magical land, a secret place they can escape to that is all their own.

But the unthinkable happens when young Flora suddenly vanishes while playing near the banks of the river. Shattered, Hazel blames herself for her sister’s disappearance, and she carries that guilt into adulthood as a private burden she feels she deserves.

Twenty years later, Hazel is in London, ready to move on from her job at a cozy rare bookstore to a career at Sotheby’s. With a charming boyfriend and her elegantly timeworn Bloomsbury flat, Hazel’s future seems determined. But her tidy life is turned upside down when she unwraps a package containing an illustrated book called Whisperwood and the River of Stars. Hazel never told a soul about the imaginary world she created just for Flora. Could this book hold the secrets to Flora’s disappearance? Could it be a sign that her beloved sister is still alive after all these years?

As Hazel embarks on a feverish quest, revisiting long-dormant relationships and bravely opening wounds from her past, her career and future hang in the balance.

A few months ago, a friend recommended Becoming Mrs. Lewis. I didn’t think much about the book at the time. Fast forward to now… I was looking for a book to check out. I happened to come across this one (Flora Lea). Not knowing really what to expect, I chose to see if it was any good (by the way, don’t feel guilty for not finishing a book…time is a “cost”…use your time reading something good…don’t force yourself to finish a book you do not like). Before sharing with you my thoughts, back to Becoming Mrs. Lewis. Little did I know that Patti Henry wrote the book my friend had suggested, Becoming Mrs. Lewis. And now that I know that, I will be reading it soon.

So, did I like this book? Absolutely! It was beautifully written with a very engaging story. Whereas some books can be confusing when going back and forth, this one was not. I have read several books similar to the backdrop of this one; however, this story line has a different twist to it. Rather than the entire story focusing on the displacement of kids during WW2, there was a mystery embedded within the story.

Now, there was one part I thought was just odd. There is a romantic scene in the book that didn’t seem to belong – Hazel and her boyfriend. It was not graphic but enough I wouldn’t want my high schooler to read that scene. What is so weird is that was the only part in the entire book you will find a scene like that which is why it seems to be randomly inserted. I wish the book could be revised and just omit that part.

I have not heard my friends talk about this book but would definitely recommend you read this book, especially if you love historical fiction. I also love how she incorporates various resources (a trip to the village, pictures, etc.) about the location. Love, Love, Love that aspect!!!!!

Happy Reading!


Patti Henry’s website

Resource Center for Flora Lea

Book Club resources (PDF)