The Other Gwyn Girl by Nicola Cornick


1671 – London

The Civil War is over and Charles II, the ‘Merry Monarch’, is revelling in the throne of his murdered father and all the privileges and power that comes with it. Sharing the spoils is his favourite companion, the celebrated beauty, actress Nell Gwyn. Beloved of the English people, Nell has come a long way from selling oranges and a childhood in a brothel, but as her fortunes have turned, her sister Rose has taken a different path. Marriage to a feckless highwayman has left Rose in the grim Marshalsea prison and now she needs her sister’s mercy to help get her out. But Nell needs Rose too. A plot to steal the Crown Jewels has gone tragically wrong, and Nell’s future with her protector King is at risk. If Rose can’t solve the riddle of the jewels both Gwyn sisters will head straight to the Tower.

Present Day

Librarian and history enthusiast Jess Yates has hit rock bottom. With her ex behind bars for fraud, Jess needs to lay low – easier said than done with a celebrity sister. But Tavy has her uses. Her latest TV project involves renovating Fortune Hall, and she needs a house sitter while she’s jetting around the world. The opportunity is too good to miss, especially when Jess discovers that Fortune Hall has links to the infamous Nell Gwyn.

Slowly the house begins to reveal its mysteries, and secrets that have laid buried for centuries can no longer be ignored. Jess hears echoes from a tragic past and as she struggles to understand her sister, Jess feels ever closer to Rose Gwyn, the sister forgotten by history but who had the fate of her family in her hands.

Am I the only person who has never heard of this author when she has been writing books for so long? I don’t know what her previous books are like but I will say I really liked this book. As a history nerd who loves the stories behind old homes, this book was a perfect historical fiction read that left me digging for more information.

First, this is a dual timeline book. Whereas some books may leave you confused as to what is happening, this book did a great job on creating a story from two perspectives – the past and the present. One chapter is set in 1670s then the next chapter switches to present day.

Second, I love how this author creates a story from a lesser known person in history. Remember, this is historical FICTION so majority of the story is the imagination of the author. Cronick does research the historical events and places in her book but then expands them to create the story. Since these are lesser known people in history, there isn’t much information about them. However, I did learn a lot about the main historical figure in the book – Nell Gwyn. Nell Gywn was the long-term mistress of King Charles II. If you are not familiar with King Charles II, his father was king during the English Civil War. When his father was beheaded by the Roundheads/Parlimentarians, Charles II fled England. After Oliver and Richard Cromwell’s rule during the Protectorate period, Charles II was later invited back to restore the monarch (called the Restoration period). So…this book mentions the English Civil War but knowing this helps understand the 1670s chapters. Back to Nell…her sister, Rose, is who this book is mainly based on (hence, the lesser known historical person and the lack of much information).

Third, I love creating a story from a historical event that many, like myself, may not have studied. I have never heard about the 1671 plot to steal the Crown Jewels (link). For history nerds like myself, this left me googling. Also, I thought it was interesting how she took one theory on who was behind the theft and made it the main theory in the book.

Fourth, the manor house!!!!! In 2019, my family and I attended the Mount Vernon Teacher Institute Alumni reunion. Before attending, we visited Roanoke, Virginia…Montpelier (President Madison’s home)…Gettysburg (Pennsylvania)…Philadelphia…Annapolis…D.C….Old Alexandria…then to Mount Vernon. You can imagine all the old homes we saw (by the way, old in the South (United States) is 1800s…old in this area is 1700s…I can’t imagine leaving somewhere where “old” is 1600s! LOL). I digress…by the time we got to Annapolis, my two girls (who were 8 and 12 at the time) were like, “MOM! Do we have to see another home?!?!?!?” We hardly ever went inside the homes. I just loved looking at them then googling the history. But…I always say “If those walls could talk, imagine the stories they could tell!” The point I am making…this book brought life to that quote. I absolutely loved reading a present day story about an old manor house then going back in time to read a story about the manor house (not necessarily a true story but an imagined/fictionalized account of something that could have happened). Anyhoo, I just loved that!

Fifth, there were hardly (if any) curse words in this book. And no graphic sexual scenes. Now, I have no clue about her other books but this one I can at least recommend to my daughter.

Last, you can read this book on Prime Reading. Also, Hoopla has LOTS of her ebooks and audiobooks!!!

I would love to keep writing but I think you got the point. I truly enjoyed this book and will definitely be reading some of her other books!!!!

Additional Resources:

Cornick’s website

A book on Nell Gwyn (from a descendent of one of her kids she had by Charles II)…I think I am going to read this one.

English Civil War information

Historical background of the book created by the author

Information on Charles II