The One I Left Behind by Jennifer McMahon


Photo: my mantle…flowers from my brother-in-law’s wedding yesterday

Synopsis: (Amazon link)

The summer of 1985 changed Reggie’s life. Thirteen, awkward, and without a father, she finds herself mixed up with her school’s outcasts—Charlie, the local detective’s son, and Tara, a goth kid who has a mental hold over Reggie and harbors a dark secret. That same summer a serial killer called Neptune begins kidnapping women. He leaves their severed hands on the police department steps and, five days later, displays their bodies around town. Just when Reggie needs her mother Vera—an ex-model with many “boyfriends” and a thirst for gin—the most, Vera’s hand is found on the steps. But after five days, there’s no body and Neptune disappears.

Now a successful architect who left her hometown behind after that horrific summer, Reggie doesn’t trust anyone and lives with few attachments. But when she gets a call from a homeless shelter saying that her mother has been found alive, Reggie must confront the ghosts of her past and find Neptune before he kills again.

With her signature style, Jennifer McMahon portrays the dark side of adolescent friendship and introduces characters who haunt the imagination, along with a disturbing web of secrets, betrayals, and murder.

First, this book costs you nothing, as of right now, if you have an Amazon Prime membership!  As an Economics teacher, I can’t say “free” book.  If you don’t know, you should – “there’s no such thing as a free lunch.” Sorry…Econ nerd humor.  Second, so far, this is my favorite McMahon novel!  There has yet to be a book of hers that I have not liked, but this one is by far my favorite!  I am not sure what it is about this book, but I couldn’t read it fast enough!  I guess I really liked it because of her writing style.  I love mysteries that are pieced together through a present day/flashback style.  And…I couldn’t figure out who the serial killer was until towards the end (then I did 😀). 

I think many people would relate to this book.  No, not having a missing daughter or a serial killer (I hope not, anyway) but through the flashbacks.  With each flashback, I couldn’t help but think about my own group of childhood friends and the stories we can tell (especially if you grew up in the country) – from swimming in the lake and riding four-wheelers to sliding in mud and watching wrestling.  Something else many of us could relate to is seeing our small towns transform with “big box” stores.  My hometown has not changed too much (except it was pretty big news when a gas station came with McDonalds…oh, and now a Jacks).  

If you like mysteries or thrillers, I think you will like this book.  And if you like cheap books (like, costs NOTHING), then you will LOVE this book! So…Happy Reading!