The Maid’s Diary by Loreth Anne White

“We’re all tricksters. Each and every one of us. No one is a totally reliable narrator. Life is all Story. Every bit of it. We see things through the filter of our own unique worldviews, through our own longings and fears and loves, through our own traumas. Not one single person on this earth is able to interpret a thing in exactly the same way. The world is dynamic in that respect.”

White, Loreth Anne. The Maid’s Diary: A Novel (pp. 290-291). Montlake. Kindle Edition.

First, let me say this…if you are asking yourself why I tagged this as a “Freida McFadden” book when it isn’t, then “hear” me out. This may not be a Freida book but it is one you will thoroughly enjoy when you run out of her books to read.


Kit Darling is a maid with a snooping problem. She’s the “invisible girl,” compelled to poke into her wealthy clients’ closely guarded lives. It’s a harmless hobby until Kit sees something she can’t unsee in the home of her brand-new clients: a secret so dark it could destroy the privileged couple expecting their first child. This makes Kit dangerous to the couple. In turn, it makes the couple—who might kill to keep their secret—dangerous to Kit.

When homicide cop Mallory Van Alst is called to a scene at a luxury waterfront home known as the Glass House, she’s confronted with evidence of a violent attack so bloody it’s improbable the victim is alive. But there’s no body. The homeowners are gone. And their maid is missing. The only witness is the elderly woman next door, who woke to screams in the night. The neighbor was also the last person to see Kit Darling alive.

As Mal begins to uncover the secret that has sent the lives of everyone involved on a devious and inescapable collision course, she realizes that nothing is quite as it seems. And no one escapes their past.

I love all kinds of books – fiction, biographies, historical fiction, thrillers. Well, maybe not all books. It is very hard for me to read fantasy and risqué novels. Anyhoo…sometimes, I will have three books going on at one time. I love reading for information, but sometimes I get bogged down and need to change it up. So, I will set one book aside to read something different. That is how I found this book. I was reading a book on Valley Forge, which is really good by the way, but needed a thriller to break up the monotony of facts. I started looking through Prime Reading books and came across this one. I have chosen some duds but not this one (by the way, I try not to buy books so if I don’t like a book, I will quit reading it…why waste your time reading a dud when you can use that time to read something more interesting?!?).

Now, it does deal with a sensitive topic – sexual assaults. So, be aware in case that is a sensitive topic for you (trigger warning). Also, I am not sure if I would want my high schooler to read this book. I think it can be emotionally heavy in certain parts and includes a lot of deception which I wouldn’t want my daughter to read.

If you are looking for a psychological thriller, then look no further. I really liked this book. It seriously had me fooled up until the end!!!! Lots of twists and turns. Lots of “didn’t see that” moments. There are some cringy moments but don’t stop reading…it will all come together. If you need a book that keeps you turning the pages, then I think you will enjoy this book. And…right now, it is free on Amazon Prime.

Happy Reading!