The Light at Luna Park and chicken enchiladas made with spaghetti squash

So I am totally “dropping the ball” on my recipes.  To be honest, I have not been in the cooking mood (for awhile), especially with trying to find a recipe that correlates with Coney Island in NYC (I could have done hot dogs but really?!?!?).

I do not have a specific recipe I use for these enchiladas but here is a recipe that is similar: recipe link.  We love spaghetti squash, and you have no clue it is in these enchiladas!  I normally use fat-free cream cheese and greek yogurt to get a creamy consistency.  The grocery store also had only small cans of green enchilada sauce; I usually use a large cans for these. So, so good…

About the book…

I have no clue how I heard about this book.  I thought a friend told me about it but they both said they didn’t.  The only other possibility is reading about it in World Magazine.  

This book is historical fiction. It was really good.  Although the story is fiction, it incorporates the history of how incubators (for premature babies) came to be.  And yes, “freak show” fair and Coney Island is part of this story.  Here is a link that talks about the history.

I think this would be a great book club book for one reason: it has a great “what would you do” scenario.  I do not want to divulge much into the ethical dilemma that the main character (and nurse) faced but I think it presents a great discussion.

And just a little FYI about the author… I find her story fascinating!  She wrote this book her junior year at Vanderbuilt and sold it her senior year.  Her story sounds just like my oldest daughter (who is now a ninth grader).  Ever since MT was little, she has loved writing stories.  We will find some every now and then, while cleaning out, and laugh so much (they are too cute)!  MT asked me the other day if she doesn’t become a vet what do I think she will be: my response – a writer (or editor at a publishing company).  She loves to read and write.  I am sure her teacher, from last year, regretted assigning a writing project and not putting a maximum page length.  Anyhoo, if you are interested in Addison Armstrong’s bio, click here

Should you read this book?  I do!  It is a great, easy read and one that gives some history into how thousands of babies have been saved because of this one doctor.

Side Note:  in 2017, I visited Coney Island while in Brooklyn for a conference.  But we didn’t go during the day.  We left around 9pm on the subway to eat a hotdog at Nathan’s.  We walked around a little bit then got back on the subway.  Looking back, what an idiotic thing to do! The hot dog was great but, um, being there that late at night, no one else on subway…yea…not the best decision I have ever made!

Interview with the author link