The Invited and Chicken Pot Pie


The setting of this book takes place in Vermont.  Who would have ever thought there would have been a recipe that is called Vermont Chicken Pie…basically, chicken pot pie with biscuits on top.  I did not use any particular recipe but here is one if you are interested: recipe link

For the book…

I came across this book at Goodwill.  It was REALLY, REALLY GOOD…well, if you are into mystery/ghost story-type books!  I would not consider this a horror book but one that has enough “gotcha” creepy stuff to keep the plot interesting and engaging.  Even if you are not a “horror” type person, I think you would like this book if you enjoy mystery books.  The plot definitely had been guessing up until the very end.  

What I really liked about this book is the imagery of Vermont, especially when the couple begins looking for real estate.  This book makes you really think about the history – the “life”- that once took place in older houses (who they were, their stories, etc.).  I love looking at old homes and considering the history that could have happened in/around the home.  After my husband and I married, we looked at an “older” home in the town where we lived – “older” because it was built in the 1920s (which is considered “old” where we live).  It was such a cool home; however, it was located in a part of town we were not too keen on.  Anyhoo…

I also loved how the book was written – each section titled as part of the process of building their home.  I thought it was very creative.  I also was not sure of the saltbox style home was but really loved googling and looking at pictures of older saltbox homes. 

Article: What is a Saltbox House?

Will everyone like this book?  Probably not!  However, after reading several “duds,” this book gave me some “excitement” back into reading!  And, other than a little language, I would have no problem with my high school child reading this book!  So, a win-win!