The Housemaid is Watching by Freida McFadden

I haven’t been in a blogging mood lately. At this point, I am not sure how many more book reviews I will be posting. Although I read this book this past summer, I will go ahead and blog about it to possibly finish out my”Freida” posts.

Y’all, this book just didn’t do it for me. I think I am at the “QUALITY OVER QUANTITY” part in my life. I wish Freida would slow down her book writing process and start writing some quality books like the previous ones I read. I went from loving her books (other than Suicide Med) to not wanting to read them right now. I do love to read a page turner but believe that you still need some substance to a book.

Now, saying that… if you read the other two books in the series, I would suggest you read this one to finish the series. But like all trilogies I have read, the third book always seems to be a “forced” story. And the two main characters are not as likable in this book than the previous books. It isn’t that I didn’t like them but their behaviors just seemed childish and immature. I wanted to scream “grow up” throughout the entire book.

Anyhoo…Happy Reading!