No Exit and Colorado Cowboy Cookies


Recipe link

Aren’t you shocked that I actually cooked a recipe?  Yea, me too!  Honestly, it was fairly difficult to find a traditional Colorado recipe, so I just went with one that had “Colorado” in the name.  I am sure there are some traditional recipes out there.

To the book…


A kidnapped little girl locked in a stranger’s van. No help for miles. What would you do?

On her way to Utah to see her dying mother, college student Darby Thorne gets caught in a fierce blizzard in the mountains of Colorado. With the roads impassable, she’s forced to wait out the storm at a remote highway rest stop. Inside are some vending machines, a coffee maker, and four complete strangers.

Desperate to find a signal to call home, Darby goes back out into the storm . . . and makes a horrifying discovery. In the back of the van parked next to her car, a little girl is locked in an animal crate.

Who is the child? Why has she been taken? And how can Darby save her?

There is no cell phone reception, no telephone, and no way out. One of her fellow travelers is a kidnapper. But which one?

Trapped in an increasingly dangerous situation, with a child’s life and her own on the line, Darby must find a way to break the girl out of the van and escape.

But who can she trust?

With exquisitely controlled pacing, Taylor Adams diabolically ratchets up the tension with every page. Full of terrifying twists and hairpin turns, No Exit will have you on the edge of your seat and leave you breathless.

I probably would not have voluntarily bought this book on my own, but it was given to me by a friend (and we have the same book preferences).  It was a good mystery book that definitely played out as a “Lifetime” movie in my head.  She later told me it will be made into a movie.  I totally see Matthew McConaughey playing one of the main roles.  Hmmmm… not sure who could play Darby…maybe Bryce Dallas Howard?  After typing my thoughts, I got on IMDB to see who was cast as of now (link).  Um…no one I know.

The book was a little slow when it started but then picked up.  I kept thinking what would I do if I found myself in Darby’s situation.  Not sure if I would have been brave enough (maybe…let’s hope I am never in that situation to find out).  If you read this for a book club, I think that point could be a good discussion topic – what WOULD you do?

Anyhoo…Happy Reading!