Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey and Texas Cowboy Soup


Recipe link

Soup in the summer?  Why, yes!  Always! Year round!  Cheap, versatile… My recipe is a little different than the linked recipe because I did not have frozen vegetables and sausage but other than that, it is a typical taco soup (with potatoes).  

To the book

I did not have plans to buy this book.  I actually had never even heard of it.  I was bored one day and googled top books (because the 1700s gothic lit. book just wasn’t doing it for me…).  I am so glad I did.  It is a light, easy read…and funny!  Seriously, if you are from the South and do not relate to one of his childhood stories, you may need to ask if you are really a Southern.  

I love how he isn’t the typical “Hollywood” star.  He is someone I would love to drink a beer with and talk life (well, I hate beer so maybe wine).  I would love to meet his family.  They just seem so REAL!  I love how he doesn’t shy away from his faults and struggles…how he seeks to find meaning, to change, to grow.  I love how he doesn’t pretend to have it “all together.”  

Now, there is some language and sexual “innuendos”  (which would be the “Raucous Stories” part of the title).  But…it isn’t graphic or heavy-laden like some fiction novels I have read.  I would not want my 14-year old to read it (maybe when she gets older and more mature); however, it didn’t bother me (and if you have read my previous posts, I can’t read books with heavy language or graphic sex).

I do wish he would create a teenager version of this book, omitting all the inappropriate stuff. I think it would be a great read for high schoolers.  I wouldn’t suggest this book to my high schoolers, but I do tend to take some of the one-liners and statements to put on my wall for school next year (next year being in August). For example, “It is not about win or lose, it is about do you accept the challenge.”  Or this one, “It is not about right or wrong.  It is ‘Do you understand?!'”  This was a statement a guy in Mali gave him when he (Matthew) was trying to convince someone of why he should do something. He explains that “they are not trying to win arguments of right or wrong.  They are trying to understand each other.  That’s different.” Boom!

So, should you read it?  Yes (if you can deal with the other stuff).  I laughed so much when he was talking about his childhood (even when I was retelling the story to my husband). It is just an easy, light read that would be enjoyable to read this summer. So, happy reading… “alright, alright, alright.”