Against All Odds by Michael Rank

This is a somewhat different post than I normally do.  After reading Michael Oher’s book, I wanted to incorporate his perspective on how to beat the odds into my classroom as a “first of the school” lesson.  In Chapter 20 of his book, he states he hopes “copies” of what he was about to say will find its way into the hands of individuals.  I took that as an ok to copy that section for my students to read (just a few pages from that chapter).  I wanted them to read his perspective of what choices they need to make to be successful, no matter what circumstance they may find themselves in.  For Economics/AP Microeconomics, I knew I would focus on the concept of choices and opportunity costs (two fundamental concepts).  For World History, however, I wanted them to compare historical figures with what he states in his book.  I posted a request on Facebook for ideas.  I received many great ones.  I also came across this book for $2.99 on Kindle!  This is an excellent, easy read.  You do not even have to read it in order.  The Introduction had me hooked.  Each chapter takes an individual and analyzes how his/her upbringing and adversity shaped who they were as a person.  I included a few U.S. historical figures (wanted to do a lot more), but I was trying to pull more “worldly” figures to use as a review of previous history, as well.  I will probably add to my list.  However, for now, feel free to use what I have created (I did not provide you with Oher’s excerpt…you have to purchase the book 😏). I am posting my lesson links below. 

Economics lesson

World History lesson